A little bit about racing!

Greyhound racing is approaching almost 100 years of giving excitement and sport to People It is the second biggest attended sport apart from football. Here at Oxford Stadium we have reached a pinnacle of entertainment with the refurbishment that has, and is still taking place.

A 320-seat restaurant, executive boxes, fast food and more, and with it the care and thought of the Greyhounds themselves.

The Oxford Retired Greyhound Trust has a record second to none for their care and re-homing of these graceful canines, the trainers of these natural canine athletes also play a big part in the welfare of Greyhounds with their dedication and compassion for an ordinary reward (a living!).
The Greyhounds are fed a high protein diet, vaccinated against all canine diseases and are daily exercised to keep them happy and healthy. They are all weekly checked by a veterinary surgeon and are not allowed to race unless all rules relating to Greyhound racing are strictly adhered to.

Greyhounds love to run and race, exactly what they are breed for. In ancient Egyptian time they were used for bear hunting and in Roman times were considered the must have canine of wealthy Romans and used for hunting wild animals, these days they just love to race and compete no matter what is said.

It is more cruel to these animals if their athletic frames are not used for something they all enjoy doing, Running! You only have to see them when they arrive at the stadium to know how happy they are to be here, running is literally in their blood.

They make wonderful pets when they retire with their placid nature; they are loyal and great companions to their owners. They are a wonderful warm and gentle natured canine and have to be one of the best animals with children.

Mick Wheble MBE
Promotions Manager
GRA Oxford