A little bit about us

It is our aim to make sure the below doesn't happen; the Oxford Owners Association have taken on the task of making sure that every greyhound that retires from the Oxford track and cannot be homed by it's owner is found a loving home. If you would like to help us by taking a greyhound as a pet then please go to the greyhound page. For more information on keeping retired greyhounds click here

We do not have our own kennels but the greyhounds that are waiting for homes are kept safe and well fed.

Sunday Times July 2006

"The greyhound industry was told to "clean its act up" following reports that one man had slaughtered at least 10,000 dogs at his home and then buried them on his land. The RSPCA said that for many years it had concerns about what had happened to thousands of greyhounds after their racing careers had ended.
The Sunday Times claimed that builder's merchant David Smith had killed and buried at least 10,000 animals at his home in Seaham, County Durham.
The charity said there was "no justification" for this "huge and totally unnecessary slaughter" and demanded that the greyhound industry clean up its act. The RSPCA said that a report three years ago, entitled The Fate Of Racing Greyhounds And Working Lurchers in Wales, suggested 12,000 dogs across the UK could be killed or discarded after their racing careers were over. "




Hi Jenny

Just a quick email to update you on Betsy & Jet. They are settling in better than we ever expected. We had a couple of toilet accidents in the house in the first week due to us adjusting them to a later feeding time. Believe me we quickly reverted back to lunchtime feeding! We've had no accidents for two weeks now. Jet is such a character, always wants to play and grins constantly. Betsy is now responding to her name, she is curious about everything and is coming out of her shell. Jet is teaching her all the tricks so we now have two bellies to rub when they roll over rather than one. Betsy likes to hoard things so we usually find all our shoes/slippers on her bed, not chewed, just warm from where she has slept on them! She's also partial to a decorating roller for under her chin! Thank you again for all your hard work, we really appreciated the help you gave us.

Claire & Kirk

Hi Jenny, I thought you might like an update on Millie. She has settled into our home so well it seems as if she has been with us for ever! She and Kate are getting along just fine – the only problem is her wagging tail when they are both waiting for their leads to be put on – Kate has to keep out of the way of it. They have both been to a village fete and were impeccably behaved (although Millie was muzzled as she wants to play with smaller dogs who are not always too keen) and then went to a barbeque at a friend’s house with a two acre garden so they were able to be free and run safely. Millie knows her name now and responds when called. She has also met our friend’s lab and they all got on without any problems. She has settled into our routine and enjoys the school walk twice a day. She had her booster injections on Saturday and is now chipped and insured. Thanks for letting Millie into our lives!.

Best wishes Sue

Gordon the Greyhound

After the success of "The adventures of Gordon the Greyhound" which raised £3000 for the retired greyhounds, Mick Wheble MBE has released Gordon's next adventure "The Further Adventures Of Gordon The Greyhound" on sale from Mon 15th November. Gordon is to have his own website where children will be able to join his fan club, and we are sure there are more adventures to follow.

14th June 2005 congratulations to Mick for his recent honour of the MBE.

Thank You

We homed over fifteen retired greyhounds via inquiries through this website during 2005. That is just marvellous !!.

Thank you for your support.

For information on keeping retired greyhounds please click here




Retired Greyhound Trust